I'm excited about a couple of side projects I've decided to take on. They don't pay, but I think they'll be quite beneficial for me! First off, got a friend who's starting a music company, and he recruited me to do some graphics and help create their visual identity. This will be the first time I do this outside of a class setting and for something that is expected to be competing in the music industry. I'm not sure if I can actually do it, but I know I have a couple of friends who I can pass of the job to at least. Or at least, recruit some help.
Second off, I'm helping a friend design her portfolio website... and she is also Olivia Lufkin's personal stylist! That's exciting, since now Olivia is part of my favorite series now, I feel more distantly connected to my NANA XD I'm a dork, I know.
I'm also taking on a paid commission job, as requested from someone at my mom's work. I swear, I should just make my mother my manager... she finds me my jobs x_X How lame am I, amirite?? But at least I'm making in the cash, yo.
Anyways, I hope I can handle this all, on top of school and my day-job.
Wish me luck!
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